Mind Labs: Media Literacy

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Media Literacy
  • Artist: Sheffield Live!
  • Album: Mind Labs
  • Year: 2010

This week’s feature in our ‘Mind Labs’ slot is a programme about the, importance of media literacy. The programme was made possible with a grant from the Community Media Association and the UK Media Regulator Ofcom. Ofcom has a duty to promote media literacy and community media is seen as an important partner in this process. The programme follows on from a media literacy workshop at Sheffield Live! and is a collaborative work with contributions from Irini Apostolidou, Fabian Beckett, Alan Fransman, Paul Gregory and Harry Stevens. In this programme we examine the idea of media literacy and look at its importance to citizens. As a case study, the programme looks at media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and more specifically, the Israeli invasion of Gaza in January 2009.